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Stake How To Section

Stake How To Section

A detailed guide on helping you to get started with staking on ZEFi.

Step 1: Visit

a. Before you can begin staking your ZTX, you would need to already have installed the Zetrix Wallet browser extension by following the guide here.

b. Once the installation is complete, you would next need to pre-fund your wallet with $ZTX that you can get from or follow the guide here.

Step 2: Connect your Wallet

a. Click “Connect Wallet”
b. login to your Zetrix Wallet to approve the access and establish a connection between your Zetrix wallet and ZEFi. You will be redirected to the page below. Proceed to click “Next” and “Connect” on the next page.
c. You will be able to view your wallet address once you have connected your wallet (refer below)
Step 3: Selecting Staking Tenure and APY

a. Review your preferred staking duration and APY


b. You will then be prompted to the page above. Proceed to input the ZTX amount you wish to stake. You may click on ”calculate” to view the details of your stake such as the date and estimated rewards. Then, you may proceed to click on the check box to agree to the terms and click “Confirm”.

Step 4: Transaction signing

Your Zetrix wallet will then be prompted for you to confirm the transaction. Proceed to approve by clicking on the “Sign” button.

Voila! You have now successfully staked your ZTX and now entitled to earn staking rewards at the end of your tenure.

Step 5: Managing your ZTX staking

Click on the “Staking” tab to view and manage your staked ZTX. Here, you will be able to view the APY, tenure duration, date, and status.

Step 6: Early redemption

a. If you wish to withdraw before the agreed tenure, you may do so by clicking on “ Early Unstake” button as displayed above.

DISCLAIMER: Early redemption will incur penalty charges on the displayed APY. You will receive the pro-rated APY and it will be adjusted to cater for the penalty rate. It will not affect your initial staked amount.


b. You will then be prompted with the confirm page. Review the transaction details and proceed to click “Confirm”
c. Your Zetrix wallet will then be prompted for you to confirm the transaction. Proceed to approve by clicking on the “Sign” button.
You have now succeeded to withdraw your staked ZTX!